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Abstracts, papers, chapters, and other documents are posted on this site as an efficient way to distribute reprints. The respective authors and publishers of these works retain all of the copyrights to this material. Anyone copying, downloading, bookmarking, or printing any of these materials agrees to comply with all of the copyright terms. Other than having an electronic or printed copy for fair personal use, none of these works may be reposted, reprinted, or redistributed without the explicit permission of the relevant copyright holders.



  • Shiamizadeh, Z., Caspers, J., & Schiller, N. O. (2019). When is a wh-in-situ question identified in standard Persian?. Proceedings of the19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) (pp. 2430-2434). Melbourne, Australia, 5-9 August 2019. pdf-thumb


  • Liu, M., Chen, Y., & Schiller, N. O. (2016). Context effects on tone and intonation processing in Mandarin. Proceedings of the 8th Speech Prosody (SP8) conference (pp. 1056-1060). Boston, USA, 31 May - 3 June 2016. pdf-thumb


  • Bi, Y., Chen, Y., & Schiller, N. O. (2015). The effect of word frequency and neighbourhood density on tone merge. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. pdf-thumb
  • Perwitasari, A., Klamer, M., Witteman, J., & Schiller, N. O. (2015). Vowel duration in English as a second language among Javanese learners. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. pdf-thumb
  • Shiamizadeh, Z., Caspers, J., & Schiller, N. O. (2015). Acoustic correlates of Persian in-situ-wh-questions. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. pdf-thumb
  • Van de Velde, D., Koshchin, A., Ter Beek, L., Schiller, N. O., Frijns, J. H. M., & Briaire, J. J. (2015). Discrimination of emotionals and linguistic prosody with cochlear implant simulations. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. pdf-thumb


  • Schiller, N. O., Vahid-Gharavi, N., & Timmer, K. (2011). Phonological encoding in reading aloud Persian: ERP evidence for the phonological basis of the masked onset priming effect. In W.-S. Lee & E. Zee (eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 1758-1761). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong. pdf-thumb


  • Umanski, D., Kogovšek, D., Ozbic, M., & Schiller, N. O. (2010). Development of a voice-based rythm game for training speech motor skills of children with speech disorders. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technogolies (pp. 255-262). Viña del Mar/Valparaíso, Chile, 31 August - 2 September 2010. pdf-thumb
  • Umanski, D., Sangati, F., & Schiller, N. O. (2010). How spoken language corpora can refine current speech motor training methodologies. Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop (pp 37-42), Uppsala, Sweden, 13 July 2010. pdf-thumb


  • Umanski, D., Kosters, W., Verbeek, F., & Schiller, N. O. (2008). Integrating computer games in speech therapy for children who stutter. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop of Child, Computer and Interaction (WOCCI-2008). Chania, Crete, Greece, 23 October 2008. pdf


  • Schiller, N. O., & Kinoshita, S. (2007). The effect of mismatching segmental information on the masked onset priming effect (MOPE). In J. Trouvain & W. J. Barry (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2007) (pp. 1885-1888).  Saarbrücken, Germany, 6-10 August 2007 .pdf


  • Schiller, N. O. (2006). Phonological encoding in speech production. Proceedings of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics (pp. 53-60).Athens, Greece, 28-30 August 2006.pdf


  • Schiller, N. O. (2003). Metrical stress in speech production: A time course study. In M. J. Solé, D. Recasens, & J. Romero (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2003) (pp. 451-454). Barcelona, Spain, 3-9 August 2003. pdf
  • Levelt, C. C., Schiller, N. O., & Fikkert, P. (2003). Metrical priming in speech production. In M. J. Solé, D. Recasens, & J. Romero (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2003) (pp. 2481-2484). Barcelona, Spain, 3-9 August 2003. pdf


  • Schiller, N. O. (2001). The onset effect in word and picture naming. In A. Zimmer, K. Lange, K.-H. Bäuml, R. Scheuchenpflug, R. Loose, O. Tucha, R. Findl, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Experimentelle Psychologie im Spannungsfeld von Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung - Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP2001) [Experimental psychology between basic research and application - Meeting of the experimentally working psychologists (TeaP2001)] (pp. 533-541). Regensburg, Germany: Universität Regensburg, April 9-11 2001.  pdf


  • Schiller, N. O. (1999). The role of sublexical units in the phonological encoding of English words: Syllables vs. segments. Syllables. IIème Journées d'Études Linguistiques [Proceedings of the 2nd Linguistic Studies Workshop on "Syllables"] (pp. 170-175). Nantes, France, 25-27 March 1999.
  • Schiller, N. O. (1999). Is the phonological encoding of English words syllabically structured? In J. J. Ohala, Y. Hasegawa, M. Ohala, D. Granville, & A. C. Bailey (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 99) (pp. 739-742). San Francisco, USA, 1-7 August 1999. 
  • Schiller, N. O. (1999). No role for syllables in English speech production. Proceedings of the 137th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Berlin, Germany, 14-19 March 1999.


  • Schiller, N. O. (1998). Masked priming of sublexical units: Segments vs. syllables. In Angelika Braun (Ed.), Advances in Phonetics, Proceedings of the International Phonetic Sciences Confrence (IPS) (pp. 17-21). Bellingham, WA, 27-30 June 1998. pdf


  • Schiller, N. O. (1997). Does syllable frequency affect production time in a delayed naming task?. In G. Kokkinakis, N. Fakotakis, & E. Dermatas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech '97) (pp. 2119-2122). Rhodes, Greece: University of Patras.
  • Schiller, N. O. (1997). The influence of phonological output constraints on the syllabification of bisyllabic nouns. In P. Wille (Ed.), Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 97. Plenarvorträge und Fachbeiträge der 23. Deutschen Jahrestagung für Akustik, Kiel [Progress in Acoustics - DAGA 97. Plenary lectures and papers given at the 23rd German Annual Meeting for Acoustics, Kiel] (pp. 377-378). Oldenburg: DEGA.
  • Schiller, N. O. (1997). The role of the syllable in speech production. Data from lexical statistics, metalinguistics, and masked priming. In M. Biemans & J. van de Weijer (Eds.), Proceedings of the CLS opening Academic Year '97/'98 (pp. 21-35). Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
  • Schiller, N. O., van Lieshout, P. H. H. M., Meyer, A. S., & Levelt, W. J. M. (1997). Is the syllable an articulatory unit in speech production? Evidence from an EMMA study. In P. Wille (Ed.), Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 97. Plenarvorträge und Fachbeiträge der 23. Deutschen Jahrestagung für Akustik, Kiel [Progress in Acoustics - DAGA 97. Plenary lectures and papers given at the 23rd German Annual Meeting for Acoustics, Kiel] (pp. 605-606). Oldenburg: DEGA.


  • Mooshammer, C., & Schiller, N. O. (1996). Coarticulatory effects on kinematic parameters of rhotics in German. Proceedings of the 1st ESCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Production Modeling: From Control Strategies to Acoustics & 4th Speech Production Seminar: Models and Data, Autrans, France, May 20-24, 1996 (pp. 25-28). Grenoble: European Speech Communication Association.


  • Schiller, N. O., & Mooshammer, C. (1995). The character of /r/-sounds: Articulatory evidence for different reduction processes with special reference to German. In K. Elenius & P. Branderud (Eds.), Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 452-455). Stockholm, Sweden: KTH and Stockholm University, 13-19 August 1995. pdf
  • Köster, O., Schiller, N. O., & Künzel, H. J. (1995). The influence of native-language background on speaker recognition. In K. Elenius & P. Branderud (Eds.), Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences  (pp. 306-309). Stockholm, Sweden: KTH and Stockholm University, 13-19 August 1995.